The modern man, if you want to achieve something in life is not to raise your hand for 18 hours a day, leaving 6 hours eating and sleeping. This is abnormal! Man must live to work and not work to live, or rather survive.
Lucky charms, which attracts the money

Each one wants to their willingness and ability to match. But normally we see completely opposite picture, when the execution of each one of the desires required a considerable amount of the costs of the materials. Therefore, the modern man, if you want to achieve something in life is not to raise your hand for 18 hours a day, leaving 6 hours eating and sleeping. This is abnormal! Man must live to work and not work to live, or rather survive.
Bill, that can't be changed
The talismans are different, one of the most effective talismans to attract money is a banknote or a coin, that can't change. The nominal value of money is not important, but it is best to use a large one-dollar bill, as well as attract will be great in revenue, and 5 cents can attract only a minor detail. However, to each his own. The main thing is that this bill has jealously preserved and not passed under any circumstances.
That and as must be done to convert the ticket into cash pet? Take the coin, this you the happy coincidence of circumstances, for example, you have a gift, along with a new portfolio, or if you have received your first substantial income from a business (first salary, the first of the profits).
Selected for the ticket, or a coin must be put in a department of the wallet or purse, where it would not have been able to enter in contact with the rest of the money that is used in common language. Therefore, it is put in front of your pet the task of obtaining and increase their income, as well as raising new sources of enrichment.
Rune of the pet
Money amulets and talismans can be made from the runes, the main one in financial matters is the rune Fehu, which is responsible for the material well-being, and for obtaining money. This rune helps to consider the situation, which can extract a financial benefit, not allowing him to pass in front of the money. Fehu is able to pull or even the hardship, after everything, you will begin to the nose, feel the income potential, following in the sweet smell of enrichment. Also Fehu helps to save money, and not only receive. To activate the rune of the pet, the image of the runes it is necessary to put in the safe or in the bag.
Also the rune can be drawn on a FOB, a bracelet, a work area of the tool, for example, a laptop computer, if it is because he spends all of his time working. The registration can be done even from your mobile phone, if your income depends on frequent calls.
What is important, so that the object of the rune with you if not the day, the greater part of the time, you should constantly in contact with him. With the layout of the image with rune talk and explain what he expected, how you can help and in that. Just keep in mind that the rune does not help in the crime, the deception, speculation and usury.
Chinese lucky charms
Today it is very popular the money of the pet, is made by the feng shui. The information about the pets on the internet the mass, therefore, we are just determined:
- Pink clothing or accessories.
- The golden fish, and to live they must clean the aquarium.
- A source with the circulation of water, it symbolizes not only money, but also their life cycle.
- Threelegged toad with a coin in the front of the leg.
- The boat with the sails, the nose is seen in the center of the room.
- Moneytree (iron coins, not jade).
- Khotey – front-bellied monk with the bag of wisdom and wealth.
- Three chinese coins with holes in them, interwoven with a red ribbon.
Standards for the conservation of money

To make sure that you have the money were not only taken, but they remained, and grew, and grew only the money of the pet does not work, even if you have done by your hands. But you can help the rules of saving money, which in conjunction with the pet or pets and their feats of labour will make you quite wealthy. These simple rules that prohibit:
- formulate the night of the garbage;
- throw something in the window;
- count the money and after sunset;
- revenge in the house or apartment, different brooms;
- traders to sell the first thing a woman;
- sweep away the crumbs of the table with the hand;
- providing, by the night;
- clean up after the sunset;
- give something after the sun set through the threshold of the house of a stranger;
- regardless cut the hair, including cutting the bangs or the tips of your hair;
- give borrowed money on Sunday;
- put on the table a hat and gloves;
- sit down to the table;
- take the money out of the hands of strange (often damage);
- saving money in your pocket", it is better to do it through the bank, since the money must be in the back, since that is your environment;
- giving money with regret;
- put the end of the accumulation of money, the money can not be the goal.
You must:
- the young moon show the luminaire wallet with the money or the ticket of a great dignity, for which the money grew, along with the light of the Moon;
- for the case ended with success, in the room you are subscribing to contract or carried out the negotiations, you must first enter the man;
- borrowed the money are given smaller cuts are taken;
- borrow money at a young a month, to return on defective;
- taking money from the left hand, and give with the right;
- receive money with joy and pleasure;
- politely handle the money.
Bag of money
In a small bag to pick up coins of different dignity, which are currently in circulation.
Each currency respectively of eucalyptus oil, when it is said:
"The copeca to the copeca, penny centavoy,
fifty dollars to quinquaginta, the ruble the ruble
chervónetz to chervonetsu, all the court".
When you have finished the reading of the conspiracy and brushing of all the coins, place the bag away from the prying eyes in the northern part of your house.
Attracting money at home

To attract the money at home, make a piece of metal magnetized through the lima magnetic powder that must be put in a bag and store as a talisman. Greater strength pet can provide gold of the painting, that it is necessary to cover all the metal shavings.
The attraction of wealth
Attract wealth help to the following steps. Make a bag of the blue color of the skin, place the magnet in a horseshoe shape, the stone of tourmaline, feather birds, dry herb: wormwood, saffron, cinnamon, milk thistle, fennel, anise, cardamom, and the shell of the nuts of cedar. This bag should be stored in your house or apartment, so that it came to wealth.
The culture of money
To improve your financial well-being, pick up metal coins with different value, that in this time they are going in their country, and place them in the pot with the earth. After planting in it, the cactus, geranium or marigold. As you are going to grow the flower will be the to increase their income and improve their financial position.
How to attract good luck and money
Type in the bath of hot water and leave in it a silver coin, after which they, themselves, are in the water. I was in the water which is present, as the silver is in charge and gives her fluids, which will attract money to you and good luck, as well as all kinds of amenities.
The money of the pet
On the entry into your home, with the inner part of the entrance door of the press in the ends of the horseshoe facing up, so that formed a cup." When this says:
"Like this cup is full,and my house is always full of abundance and happiness."